All posts by belmayneetss

Cross Country by Vitalina Bogorevich

Our Athletics coach Dan got all junior and senior athletics teams involved in a cross country event out in Swords in February. 

It was a very enjoyable day for all despite the weather! We had a lot of success throughout the day with our 5th year team coming 2nd overall and our 4th year team came 5th. 

The 1st year girls team also won!

A great day had by all and there was also a fundraiser on the day and all proceeds went to Laura Lynn Hospice.

Belmayne ETSS SciFest by Vitalina Bogorevich

Before our February Midterm-Term, Belmayne ETSS underwent Scifest. 

It was a day of fun and excitement for 1st, 2nd and Transition year groups in the school. Judges came into the school from SciFest4Stem to examine the projects all the students had completed. 

The winners for each category were announced at whole school assembly the following Friday and the overall winners were as follows:

Best TY: Polina, Max and Taylor, ‘Does a plant grow better in soil that had a tree growing in it’

Best 2nd Year: Sean, Charmaine and Katie, ‘Which sunglasses brand blocks UV best?

Best 1st Year: Ali, Tudor and Milana, ‘Do different alarms wake you up better’

Well done to all the winners and thanks to all the science teachers for a very exciting day!

First year Peter Pan trip by Igor Kaczanowski

All first year classes went to the Peter Pan show, on the 24th of November. It was the biggest trip from BETSS, with over a hundred students present. All first years were very excited.

The first year group got to the Dublin City Centre by the number 15 bus, then walked from the bus stop to the Gate Theatre. When the show started, everybody witnessed shining lights, wonderful special effects and even a slow motion battle scene.

Belmayne ETSS Winter Fair! By Zac Dullaghan

Before the Winter Break on the 15th December, all TY students became Entrepreneurs hosting a whole school Winter Fair in Belmayne ETSS. The students worked very hard and developed their own Businesses which they will put into action by selling the products. 

On the day there were competitions, treats and goodies to be won and purchased by the whole school community. Thank you to all the Business teachers and staff that helped make the day such a success. 

Parents and guardians were also invited to attend the Winter Fair. It was a major success! 

Here are some examples of some of the wonderful products that were on display on the day.

Keep your eyes peeled for some future Entrepreneurs!!